Sunday, June 24, 2012


I know I know, this may seem like an odd concept especially coming from me(a photographer).  The cameras that have been installed in these newer smartphones have a great quality, at least better than they were when phones started putting cameras as part of the package.  I personally have a Samsung Galaxy 2 with an Android platform.  There are so many free, you heard me, free apps for your photo editing software pleasure.  Even if money is no option there is other great photo apps available on Google Play.  I have experimented with many for fixing some of my shots up and then I finally post (and sometimes a final edit) on Intsagram.  Love the Intstagram community, it's like a Facebook for Photogs alike.  Sharing my photos and getting the recognition for a job well done, is worth the fun.  I always go through all my connections and see how wonderful their photo art is too, giving them some recognition as well.

Here's a couple of photo's I took earlier just using my phone!!!

I'm so impressed with these apps that I have to share with you guys!!!

Here's the link below to an Instagram photo of mine!!!

Instagram/Android Photography!!!

Happy photoging!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Drunk Friends Don't Care--Know Your Limit!!!

I was looking out the window onto Peter Street (Club district) again during a drunken (Not me) Friday night.  As I look to the left I see a limo with a bunch of girls hanging out and joking around.  This is business as usual down here at this time.  One girl was laying on the back of the limo for support; just let me guess, too much to drink?  Maybe she took something illegal?  Who really knows except her.  Her friends were not really paying much attention to her as she slides down on her knees (ouch!!!)  and passes out on the ground.  Every single girl was laughing at her, no doubt took some pictures, and probably posted them on a social network.  For the duration of my cigarette, her friends just left her there on the ground.  You'd think that one of them would have checked to see if she was breathing or if she had a pulse.  I mean this is how this stuff happens.  Then the young girl finally stood up (I was relieved) and got into the limo, friends followed as they yelled "Oh she only weighs 20 pounds".

I guess I'm wondering why people really don't care about their friends as much as they say, I was gonna call a cop over if she didn't get up.  Seems as though I was the only one that noticed her fast slide to the ground.  That can really do damage to the body, the knees mostly.  I mean what if she bumped her head, no one seemed to care.

So be responsible first and for most when leaving the house.  It's one thing to go out drinking, but if you're going to do it, know your limit.  Don't follow the peer pressure of what everyone else is doing.  Be a leader and follow how you feel.  And as for your friends, it's time for some new ones, because these ones don't care.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Warm Weather Blah Blah!!!

When it's warm out, especially humid, this is the time to slow down.  The earth is trying to tell you this.  I think that everyone should slow their pace when they are walking, running or over-doing themselves.  Drink so much water, more than usual.  This is a must.  Hydration is very important to your well-being.  Your body will tell you it's dehydrated, you just have to pay attention to the ques that it is giving you.  Heat stroke is one of them.  When you are out and about and you notice that you are getting dizzy, can't breathe right, and sweating a blue streak; sit down.  Find a cool place, like a coffee shop or a mall and cool off.  Even if you just sit down on a bench, it's better than nothing.  Next, find your nearest store that has bottled water or one of your favorite cold beverages.  Down that baby.  Stay seated for as long as you can and then slowly but surely you can get up again to walk.  Replacing your electrolytes is the most important thing, along with rest.  While you are seated, take advantage of the scenery.  Take some pictures with your phone, or read something.  Another thing that is very important while humidity is at its peak is to breathe.  Take some long, deep breaths at a slow pace. Within no time you will start feeling better.  When all else fails, go home and rest.  By taking a nap or just a small lay down can help you to get back to your normal self.  Stay safe.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I just love thunderstorms.  They give me this excited feeling that I've always had since I was a kid.  Usually I will sit out on the back porch and watch the whole storm, all the way through.  That flash of light, that deep rumble of thunder (or wind from the actually lightening strike), that rush it gives me.  During our last thunderstorm I grabbed my camera and for the first time photographed my first lightening strike.
The next time we have a wild thunderstorm at night, I'm going the try again to photograph the best picture of lightening I can conjure up.  Who knows, it could be one of my best.  To think back to childhood, I loved watching the storms.  It gave me chills and feelings of joyfulness.  However, when it was bedtime, I couldn't sleep without a pillow covering my head.  The thunder was ok, but the flashes of bright light would scare the hell out of me.  Of course, as time passes by my fear has left me, but the excited feeling is still there.  We are actually having a wonderful thunderstorm now, here in Toronto.  It is still daytime, so that defeats the purpose of the ultimate photograph.  Soon I tell you, soon. Never lose the joy of nature and all the fun it brings, always remember back to your childhood to recapture all the good times, or the little things.