Thursday, September 22, 2011

Drug Deals Hmmm...Dislike!!!

Walking down Queen Street with my baby, such a lovely night, we walk past two people that are in the middle of a drug deal.  Trying to be so secretive about it, they actually are being very obvious about it.  The funny part...There was a cop right across the street that didn't see it.  I try to keep a positive look on my city, trying not to look at the evil side.  However, more and more each day I see all the little flaws and the fact that cops are not seeing it all...I mean all he was doing was standing there looking the other way.  Oh well, as long as no one gets hurt.  I'm still going to look at my city with a positive eye, it's the the fault of the city, just some of the people walking around in my city.  This is why I don't want to raise kids in the downtown core, I want to live down here for a while, but once the kids come along I want to move more west in Toronto.  Growing up in the suburbs, these things happened less, I know they happened, just less.  Plus everything was more quiet.  I would never want to move back to Mississauga, it's just not me anymore.  I will have more career opportunities here, RMT's are always wanted downtown; more clinics and spas as well.  I do think that the drug deals should move to the alleys, stay away from my streets.

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